Scottish. Gay man. Living in Manchester. Gamer, downloader, gadget junkie. Live vicariously through me by visiting every day and discovering what it's like to be someone that isn't you. Shall we scroll on...?
Friday, January 18, 2008
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
"Sitting at home in my pants."

In further proof that machines are taking over the planet and will one day rule over us in a tyranical mecha-droidal type way, my Xbox360 has now developed the capacity to produce its own blog.
I shit you not.
Over there on the right hand side of this blog you'll see the Latest Entry badge. The facts are these: everytime I fire up my 360, it will remember what I've played, how long I played it for, and - if I'm lucky - how many achievements I've racked up. It will then publish it to its very own blog - which you can see in full here. And also, obviously, to this blog right here you're reading now.
Confusing? Yes, frankly.
Nevertheless, all of this serves to show you that I can no longer tell little white lies about not being able to come out for a drink tonight "because I'm off to a fabulous party", because my 360's blog will quite blatantly tell you that I was in fact sitting at home in my pants kicking three shades of poop out of the Evil Overlord Zorg.
And yet, still I add it to my blog, because I'm such a bloody geek.
Me, eh?
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Going back.
It's been a while, but with a New Year comes a renewed interest in updating my blog. Let's see how long it lasts...
This past couple of weeks, I've spent a lot of time back home in Scotland celebrating Christmas and New Year with friends and family. I took the opportunity while I was there to visit the old council estate I grew up on. It's a bit more run down than I remember, and it certainly feels a lot smaller than it did, but revisiting a place that meant so much to me evoked some vivid memories.
I've posted the video I made while I was there. Hope you like it.
More posts to follow...
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