In further proof that machines are taking over the planet and will one day rule over us in a tyranical mecha-droidal type way, my Xbox360 has now developed the capacity to produce its own blog.
I shit you not.
Over there on the right hand side of this blog you'll see the 360voice.com Latest Entry badge. The facts are these: everytime I fire up my 360, it will remember what I've played, how long I played it for, and - if I'm lucky - how many achievements I've racked up. It will then publish it to its very own blog - which you can see in full here. And also, obviously, to this blog right here you're reading now.
Confusing? Yes, frankly.
Nevertheless, all of this serves to show you that I can no longer tell little white lies about not being able to come out for a drink tonight "because I'm off to a fabulous party", because my 360's blog will quite blatantly tell you that I was in fact sitting at home in my pants kicking three shades of poop out of the Evil Overlord Zorg.
And yet, still I add it to my blog, because I'm such a bloody geek.
Me, eh?
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