Friday, May 16, 2008

What you'll be watching this time next year...

This is the time of year that the big American telly networks start showing off what their big shows for the new season will be.

Old favourites (of mine, at any rate) like Lost, Pushing Daisies and Medium will be coming back, so yay for that. But probably more interestingly, this year will see the launch of a US version of Life On Mars. Here's the trailer...

First impressions suggest it's everything you'd hope it wouldn't be. But take away the annoying voiceover man and it looks like it could be pretty faithful. But, it'll be interesting to see how they extend the well-paced UK storyline into a 24 part series (and potentially five years worth at that). It could be worth a look. Plus the guy is quite fit.

Best of all though is the return of Joss Whedon to television. Buffy, Angel and Firefly are three of the best TV shows of recent years, and Joss Whedon is one of the best writers working in television. Dollhouse is his new show, and I'll spare you the premise and instead link you to this page - which has all the details you'll need. I'm VERY excited about this show. Here's a trailer...

Apologies if the video doesn't work. Fox seems to be taking down all the trailers from You Tube today... Try a Google search.