Monday, September 24, 2007

GAMING: Halo 3

The first reviews of Halo 3 are appearing online now, and it's scoring VERY highly. It's certainly whetting my appetite even further for the next chapter in this extraordinary gaming franchise.

If I didn't have so much to do at work on Wednesday, I'd be taking the day off to play Halo 3, but as it stands I'll have to wait until 6pm, when I get home.

This is probably the most important gaming release ever, and if I can tear myself away from it, I'll try and post my impressions before the end of this week.

Oh, and if anyone is interested in setting up a gay Halo 3 clan - leave me a message either here, or on Live. My gamertag is monkeybaby360.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

GAMING: Re-evaluating the Wii.

Ah, the Nintendo Wii. Still in demand, and still outselling the 360 and PS3. But ask most gamers who've had one for more than a couple of months, and they'll tell you they love it, but they just don't play with it anymore.

It's certainly true in my case. I've not turned the thing on for over two months. Hi-def gaming on the 360 and PS3 has highlighted for me just how rubbish the Wiii looks in comparison on my HD telly. Talk about snobbery, but after a bout of Bioshock or Warhawk in glistening 1080i, turning on the Wii feels like someone just covered the screen with a pair of wrinkled tights.

Today though, that all changed. It's been a horrible day here in Manchester. Cold and wet. Instead of going out, my other half and I decided to stay in and watch telly. Then he mentioned he wouldn't mind a game of bowling on the Wii. He's not a gamer at all, so I jumped at the chance to share one of my passions with him. Steady!

Four hours later and we were still playing it. We even played a nine-hole round of golf. And we had so much fun doing it! Then it struck me. The Wii levels the playing field. The reason my other half doesn't turn the 360 on for a quick blast of Bioshock is because he's afraid he'll screw it up. He's afraid his confidence will take a bashing because he can't memorise the controller configuration, or grasp the games physics. And let's face it, why should he?

The Wii throws all that nonsense out the window. My other half won most of the games of bowling we played because he understands how to pick up a bowling ball and throw it. And he's got better aim than me. The Wii demands only that you have a good time.

So, if I don't turn it on again for another two months, that's fine. At least I know that when I do I'll have a bloody good time.

GADGETS: You scratch mine.

The iPod Touch is, of course, a very beautiful piece of technology. Ground-breaking interface, sleek curves... everything an Apple product should be. But what we all really want to know is if the screen will scratch after five minutes of use, right?

Thank goodness then, that this very silly chap decided to test the strength and scrath-resistance of his iPod Touch screen with pins, keys and a razor blade, film it and put it on You Tube.

All in all it looks pretty resiliant, and reassures me that when my iPod Touch arrives next week I won't have to snap on the Marigolds before I use it.