Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Vegetable Soup - PODCAST 4

Oh my god I've done another one! Already!

Now listen, I did this one in an hour. A bloody hour! It's of absolutely no interest to you if you don't like the Pet Shop Boys, because I do go on about them quite a bit in this episode. But then, I love them, so... you know... whatever. It's also got some of my favourite people (Carol, Andrew, Annie and Simon - hello!) telling you why the Vegetable Soup podcast is the bees knees.

So if you're inclined, why not click below and give it a listen? I would. But probably just because I did it.

Anyway, if you like it you can even subscribe so that the internet postman will deliver it to your iTunes everytime I do a new one. For bloody free! Go on... you know you want to...

Click here... Vegetable Soup Podcast - Episode 4

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Whatever Rupert wants, Rupert gets.

There's no better feeling than finally sending the latest edition of your magazine to print, is there?

After a hectic week of design, editing and layout, outnorthwest issue 62 is finally on the presses, and will be available throughout the WORLD (electronically) from Monday. It's a good one this one; loads of stuff about Liverpool and a couple of really good interviews - including Rupert Everett. He's asked us to organise an event for him on Canal Street here in Manchester. It would be rude to turn him down, so we're working on it now...

Why not download a copy? I would if I were you. You can do it by clicking on the link of the right hand column there, or by clicking here instead - HERE!

If you live in the north west of England, you should nip into your favourite homosexual drinking establishment-slash-venue from Wednesday and pick one up.

Just to let you know; I'm working on the next podcast and it should be out in the next two to three days. At the moment it has a vague Halloween theme. But that will probably change as I slowly realise I can't really fill much time on the subject. Watch this, as they say, space...


The Seduction of Claude Debussy - ART OF NOISE
Downloading: Battlestar Galactica Season 3 - TV DOWNLOAD
Watching: Torchwood - BBC Three/Two
Playing: Splinter Cell:Double Agent - XBOX 360
Reading: The Best of Smash Hits 80's - BOOK (Buy this book today!)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Vegetable Soup - PODCAST 3

I finished it early. Clicking on the linky below will take you to the very latest Vegetable Soup Podcast!

Same warning applies: I do this for a laugh, so don't go expecting anything remotely professional. In this edition, lots about New York (I promise to shut up about New York soon). You'll also find previews of my current favourite telly show, and a sneak preview of the BEST track on Robbie William's new album. What are you waiting for?

So, off you go then, click below and listen to my podcast! And if you like it, why not subscribe? Then, everytime you open up your iTunes, and there's a new episode - it will be delivered to you personally! I LOVE THE INTERNET!

Click here... Vegetable Soup Podcast - Episode 3

Shhh... I'm busy.

Just a quickie. Been back a week, and it's taken that long to get my feet back on the ground.

Working hard on the next issue of outnorthwest, which goes to the printers on Thursday, so that's keeping me from the fun stuff. I'm also half way done on my next podcast, so I'll let you know when that's done. Hopefully by tomorrow night.

In the meantime, there's plenty lovely stuff keeping me happy at the moment...


Downloading: Lost Season 3 - TV
Watching: Heroes - TV DOWNLOAD (pic above)
Playing: Magnetron - NINTENDO DS
Reading: Pet Shop Boys, Catalogue - BOOK

Sunday, October 08, 2006

LIVE from New York: And now the end is near.

The last post. Final visit to the Apple Store, and only six hours before we get on the plane back to rainy Manchester...

This has to be the best holiday I've ever had. New York is a wonderful place and after nine days, I still feel like we've only scratched the surface. The last couple of days has been taken up with sight seeing tours. The best was a two hour boat trip around the island. Got some magnificent pictures. Today has seen a leisurely stroll around Central Park, and it made me want live here even more. Sitting watching musicians, street theatre and sitting by the edge of a lake. You would never believe you were in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world.

I'll keep this brief as there's just so much I want to say about this visit that it really needs a bit more thought behind it. At the moment, I'm tired and emotional. So the next couple of days at home will see at least a one more retrospective blogs about New York.

If you've never been to this city - you must. It's as simple as that. Whether you have positive or negative feelings towards the United States, a visit to New York will either change your mind or confirm your doubts.

Me? I love this place for it's diversity and its positive attitude. No word of a lie, in the last nine days I've not come across a nasty, unfriendly or unsmiling American. Back home, it would take me only nine minutes to meet at least one of each type.

Looking forward to getting back to Manchester though. It is home, after all.

New York. It's a helluva town...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

LIVE from New York - Falling my length...

Day 6 and still no sign that I'll ever want to leave this city. So any of my friends who are reading this, could you let work know I'm never coming back...

Today has been Shopping Day. Which, for those who know me, means DVDs, games and perhaps the odd t-shirt or two. Which is precisely what I've bought. The inevitable embaressing moment of the trip occurred today when we visited Abercrombie & Fitch on 5th Avenue and I fell head-first down the last four steps (the very steps you can see in the picture above) and landed at the feet of a very perplexed, but stunning looking model. Poor guy didn't know what to do. I couldn't get up quick enough to hide my shame.

Anyhoo. Avenue Q - the Broadway musical we went to see was hilarious. Worth downloading the soundtrack, which I'll do on my return to Manchester. The songs, puppets and story were excellent, and I know it's on in London, so if you get a chance -go and see it. Unfortunately, we couldn't get tickets for Wicked, so we're going to see Beauty and the Beast instead. That's tomorrow night.

Tonight, after shopping of course, we're heading back to the Hotel to watch the season three premiere of Lost. Again, to those who don't know me, this may seem a little odd and not the best way to spend an evening in New York, but trust me - to me it's important.

Yesterday we did the NBC studio tours, and were this close to being in the audience for Late Night With Conan O'Brien. Shame we didn't get in - Claire from Lost was one of the guests. Other than that, still have Central Park to do, and we're also off to do some tourist bus and boat trips tomorrow, so still plenty more to take in!

Weather today has been gorgeous - wish I'd worn my shorts.

Anyway, I'm getting shifty looks from the Apple staff here, so I'll end it here and hopefully get one more report in before we fly back on Monday.

Monday, October 02, 2006

LIVE from New York - Highs and Lows

Here we are again then, back in the Apple Store on 5th Avenue and three full days into the visit to New York. The picture above is me and Barry in the Apple Store :-)

Had a very eventful couple of days, the highlight (if you can call it that) being a visit to Ground Zero. I didn't think it would affect me as much as it did, but staring into that big hole in the ground triggers some horrific images into your mind and really brings home the scale of what happened on 11th September 2001. A touching tribute nearby shows images, remnants from the site and personal stories from those who lost loved ones. To actually touch a twisted metal girder recovered from the area really brings a chill to your heart.

I guess I really felt like I had arrived in New York when we were standing beneath the Statue of Liberty yesterday afternoon. It's an impressive sight indeed. The boat trip out to Liberty Island was great too as it gives you a monumental view of the Manhattan Skyline as you sail out.

Today we've been to the top of the Empire State Building. I was terrified. I've never been that high up and found it really hard to peer over the edge of the 86th floor. I've taken some pics, and although I may be smiling in them, I certainly wasn't smiling on the inside. A great experience though, nonetheless - and I wouldn't have missed it. I called my mum from the top of the building, which I'm sure she appreciated.

Still to come today we're off to see Avenue Q on Broadway - check it out on Google. I'd put a hotlink in, but i've forgotten the HTML tag :-) Later in the week we're going to see Wicked, as well as a day in Central Park, the NBC Studios tour (and hopefully tickets to as TV recording) and a day of shopping on Wednesday. I shall no doubt return with a maxxed out credit card.

Loads more has happened and been seen, but this store is getting crowded and my mind is going blank.

Will try and get at least one more post in before returning home on Sunday...