I've got a cold. A horrible, throaty, chesty, PAINFUL cold; and I need a hug.
It didn't stop me going to London this weekend to finally see Wicked, though. It was a fantastic birthday surprise from Barry. What an amazing show it was. I was a proper gay. I got very emotional at all the sad songs, "ooh-ed" and "aah-ed" at the pretty sets and dresses, and went back to the hotel on a cloud. I love it when things move you. And I'll never watch The Wizard of Oz in quite the same light.
All of this conspires though to the crux of this post - my apologies for a lack of Vegetable Soup Podcast 6. Fret not! It's all scripted and ready to go, and once I get rid of this bloody cold I'll get down to recording it. With any luck, it should be available by the weekend. It's a good one too - full of Wii goodness and exciting geeky news. The usual. There's also a possibility of joining The Magic Geek network at some point too, which I'm very excited about. I'll let you know more when I do.
As you were.
1 comment:
i share your thoughts on wicked..i had the soundtrack for months before seeing the show and the book..etc etc..but nothing can prepare you for the show itself....my boyfriend who was dreading seeing it was even more in awe than me..and is now obessed..so much so we are going for the 3rd time ..sadly its going to be the last night that idina performs on the 30th..cant wait..then we are going again in feb..lol
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