They're selling on Ebay for £ridiculous amounts, high street stores sold out in under an hour, and many won't see one until well into the New Year... but I have one sitting proudly beside my telly.
Nintendo Wii is in the Robertson household and is everything it's been cracked up to be. And probably more. Forgive the air of gloating, but these moments really do have to be savoured. Nintendo, more than any other games console manufacturer, know how magical an experience gaming can be. Not for them the bangs, crashes and body counts associated with Sony and Microsoft's consoles (and don't get me wrong, I love my Xbox360); instead we have a machine that, the minute you turn the thing on, just CRAVES your undying attention.
The new controller - the Wiimote - works surprisingly well. Within minutes you'll be poking and prodding the air creating your first Mii, or playing Tennis with the pre-bundled Wii Sports. Everything works perfectly, and just as it should. Everything is just so clean, and white and it makes beautiful little noises. Even the Wiimote - which can give you the willies the first time it happens.
But nothing - nothing - can prepare you for the journey you'll take when you slip The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess into your drive. Anyone with even a passing interest in gaming will know of the Zelda franchise. Each title pushes the boundaries of how a game can feel more than the last. This game delivers hour after hour of pitch perfect gaming. It deserves a post all of its own. Which is what it shall get.
In the meantime, if you're having the same Nintendo sugar rush that I'm having and you want to share, here is my Wii Code - enter it into your Wii, and we can start sharing the love...
8048 3319 8177 0588
Listening: Wicked - SOUNDTRACK
Downloading: The Magic Geek - PODCAST
Watching: Torchwood - BBC THREE
Playing: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - NINTENDO WII
Reading: You're Him Aren't You? - PAUL DARROW
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