Hello. Long time no blog, eh?
There are any number of reasons/excuses I've not updated this for a while. None of which I'll bore you with; or even pretend you're interested in hearing about. Over the last few weeks though, a lot has happened.
So, here's just a random post about some of the stuff I've been up to...
GRRR! etc.
Been extremely productive at work the last month or so, primarily on a whole bunch of printed and design work for the Great British Bear Bash, which took place here in Manchester over the Bank Holiday weekend. I designed a Survival Guide for the Bash, along with production of fridge magnets, newsletters, posters and other goodies. They seemed to go down well with the guys who came to the Bash, so I'm very pleased with how that all went. It would be great to do more again next year.
Neon Condoms
As well as all the Bear materials, and the latest outnorthwest, I've also in the last couple of weeks designed a 56 page LGB rights guide (which you can download now from the LGF site); and also completely redesigned the new condom packs. If you're gay and familiar with Manchester, you'll have seen the free condom packs. Well, every year we redesign them because it keeps them 'fresh', and also, well, because we can. Usually it's a subtle redesign, but this year I've gone a bit mental. They're slight more, ahem, colourful and I'll post a sneak preview of them tomorrow.
Wales, isn't it.
I've just booked some time off to spend a weekend in Cardiff at the end of the month. And yes, it solely because of Doctor Who. I want to stand under the rift at the Millennium Centre, visit the Powell Estate, and go on the Doctor Who locations tour. I feel no need to apologise :-)
Open the Pod bay doors, Hal.
I've also been working on a brand new podcast over the last week or so with a very funny friend of mine. I'll tell you more about that in my next post... Needless to say, it's all very exciting. And drunken.
So, hopefully you can see why I've neglected this blog of late. Been a tad busy.
When I first started Vegetable Soup, I used to end each post with a list of stuff I was watching/listening to/reading etc. Then I slowly, and predictably, lost interest in it. But looking back over those earlier posts, it's actually quite interesting (to me, at least) to read. A multi-media snapshot of the time, if you will. So, starting from this post and until I lose interest again (probably around mid-August), it's the return of...
Music: Tony The Beat (Rex The Dog Disco Mix) - THE SOUNDS
Podcast: ZTT Podcast Episode One - ZTT
TV: Heroes (The Last Three Chapters) - SEASON 1
Game: Motorstorm - PLAYSTATION 3
Magazine: Death Ray
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