Due to the marvel that is the internet, I've added a couple of new features to the blog this evening.
If you look on the right hand column, you'll see two new additions - Twitter, and Just Listened To...
Twitter will give me a chance to add to the blog much more regularly, with short updates on what I'm up to. Even better, I can do it from my mobile phone, so look out for ocassional drunken message in there. If you've not seen Twitter in action, visit their site and you'll have a better idea of what it's all about, and why it's so popular.
Just Listened To is pretty obvious. Through LAST FM (a fantastic social-networking music site), you can check at any time of the day or night what I'm listening to (or what I've just listened to). It even knows what I've been listening to on my iPod. There will be some embaressing stuff there, I'm sure - especially during the hours I'm at work, but hopefully you'll see some music pop up on there you might want to seek out.
So there you. No part of my life is off limits it would seem...
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