The last post. Final visit to the Apple Store, and only six hours before we get on the plane back to rainy Manchester...
This has to be the best holiday I've ever had. New York is a wonderful place and after nine days, I still feel like we've only scratched the surface. The last couple of days has been taken up with sight seeing tours. The best was a two hour boat trip around the island. Got some magnificent pictures. Today has seen a leisurely stroll around Central Park, and it made me want live here even more. Sitting watching musicians, street theatre and sitting by the edge of a lake. You would never believe you were in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world.
I'll keep this brief as there's just so much I want to say about this visit that it really needs a bit more thought behind it. At the moment, I'm tired and emotional. So the next couple of days at home will see at least a one more retrospective blogs about New York.
If you've never been to this city - you must. It's as simple as that. Whether you have positive or negative feelings towards the United States, a visit to New York will either change your mind or confirm your doubts.
Me? I love this place for it's diversity and its positive attitude. No word of a lie, in the last nine days I've not come across a nasty, unfriendly or unsmiling American. Back home, it would take me only nine minutes to meet at least one of each type.
Looking forward to getting back to Manchester though. It is home, after all.
New York. It's a helluva town...
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