There's no better feeling than finally sending the latest edition of your magazine to print, is there?
After a hectic week of design, editing and layout, outnorthwest issue 62 is finally on the presses, and will be available throughout the WORLD (electronically) from Monday. It's a good one this one; loads of stuff about Liverpool and a couple of really good interviews - including Rupert Everett. He's asked us to organise an event for him on Canal Street here in Manchester. It would be rude to turn him down, so we're working on it now...
Why not download a copy? I would if I were you. You can do it by clicking on the link of the right hand column there, or by clicking here instead - HERE!
If you live in the north west of England, you should nip into your favourite homosexual drinking establishment-slash-venue from Wednesday and pick one up.
Just to let you know; I'm working on the next podcast and it should be out in the next two to three days. At the moment it has a vague Halloween theme. But that will probably change as I slowly realise I can't really fill much time on the subject. Watch this, as they say, space...
Listening: The Seduction of Claude Debussy - ART OF NOISE
Downloading: Battlestar Galactica Season 3 - TV DOWNLOAD
Watching: Torchwood - BBC Three/Two
Playing: Splinter Cell:Double Agent - XBOX 360
Reading: The Best of Smash Hits 80's - BOOK (Buy this book today!)
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