Here we are again then, back in the Apple Store on 5th Avenue and three full days into the visit to New York. The picture above is me and Barry in the Apple Store :-)
Had a very eventful couple of days, the highlight (if you can call it that) being a visit to Ground Zero. I didn't think it would affect me as much as it did, but staring into that big hole in the ground triggers some horrific images into your mind and really brings home the scale of what happened on 11th September 2001. A touching tribute nearby shows images, remnants from the site and personal stories from those who lost loved ones. To actually touch a twisted metal girder recovered from the area really brings a chill to your heart.
I guess I really felt like I had arrived in New York when we were standing beneath the Statue of Liberty yesterday afternoon. It's an impressive sight indeed. The boat trip out to Liberty Island was great too as it gives you a monumental view of the Manhattan Skyline as you sail out.
Today we've been to the top of the Empire State Building. I was terrified. I've never been that high up and found it really hard to peer over the edge of the 86th floor. I've taken some pics, and although I may be smiling in them, I certainly wasn't smiling on the inside. A great experience though, nonetheless - and I wouldn't have missed it. I called my mum from the top of the building, which I'm sure she appreciated.
Still to come today we're off to see Avenue Q on Broadway - check it out on Google. I'd put a hotlink in, but i've forgotten the HTML tag :-) Later in the week we're going to see Wicked, as well as a day in Central Park, the NBC Studios tour (and hopefully tickets to as TV recording) and a day of shopping on Wednesday. I shall no doubt return with a maxxed out credit card.
Loads more has happened and been seen, but this store is getting crowded and my mind is going blank.
Will try and get at least one more post in before returning home on Sunday...
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