There's a very simple reason I haven't been doing much with this Blog. It doesn't really have a theme.
Initially I thought it should just be random thoughts and various reports on interesting things I've done. But then there's the fear that you would - quite rightly - not be very interested in what I'd had for dinner or how many lengths I'd swum (is that even a word?) at the pool that night.
So, I've been thinking long and hard about it, and I've decided to make this blog a celebration of my geekiness. How original, you're probably thinking. But hang on a minute. This is a celebration of GAY geekiness. So that give it a bit of an edge. Right?
Whatever. The fact is, I spend a great deal of my time gaming, downloading and worshipping at the alter of Apple, so you'll find a great deal of this blog will now be dealing with those kinds of things. Even better, there will still be the occasional random thoughts, which means I can still call this blog Vegetable Soup (the thought behind the name was that there would be a bit of everything, a bit like vegetab... you get the picture.)
I'll also be ending every entry with Junk Culture - the stuff I'm currently playing, listening to, reading and watching. Which you've seen done on every other Blog you've ever read, I'm sure, but I think can give more of an insight into someone than five paragraphs of rambling text can.
Paragraph Six. So that's it really. I've got a renewed enthusiasm for this now that I have a 'theme', so look out for an overload of blog entries over the coming days.
Oh, and leave some feedback. It would be nice to know at least one other person is reading this.
Music: Teachings from the Electronic Brain - FSOL
TV: Battlestar Galactica Season 2 - DVD
Game: Lego Star Wars 2 - XBOX360
Magazine: SFX Star Trek Special
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