I've rediscovered my love for two childhood obsessions this week. Star Wars. And Lego.
Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy on the XBox360 is lodged firmly inside my console, with no signs of it coming back out again for a while. I've not had as much pure, unadulterated fun playing a video game since I first sat in the Space Harrier hyrdaulic chair in an arcade in Cornwall back in 1987. Seriously.
I bought this game on the same day I bought the critically acclaimed Dead Rising. I've yet to even break the seal on that game.
Maybe it's the original music. Maybe it's the tongue-in-cheek humour. Maybe it's the complete faithfulness to the source material. Maybe it's the gorgeous graphics. Maybe it's the pick-up-and-playability.
It's all of those things. This game is just so bloody shiny. It's proper Lego, and it's proper Star Wars. From the minute you start playing until the second you put down the controller, you'll have a smile on your face.
It's also the first game in ages that's had any significant impact on my Gamerscore, so for that reason alone I love it.
Music: Passacaglia - BEAR McCREARY
Podcast: 1UP Yours
Game: Lego Star Wars 2 - XBOX360
Magazine: X360
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