My first download from the new iTunes 7 Music Store has been Teachings from the Electronic Brain by Future Sound of London (FSOL).
iTunes is carrying the Bonus Edition with extra tracks and remixes - 20 full tracks for under a tenner. Bargain.
FSOL are one of those bands that you don't know that you know. Chances are you'll be familiar with at least two or three of these tracks.
There are many highlights on the set, Papua New Guinea still sounds amazing, and Lifeforms is still gloopy and lovely. However, it's best enjoyed from beginning to end with no interruptions, or on your iPod on the walk into work, or the walk home.
I love music that creates an atmosphere. The spookier the better, and this album does it in spades. The older tracks haven't dated at all, and have lost none of their dreamy ambience. Ironically, it's the later tracks like Semtex and We Have Explosive that grate. Too screechy. Although, they do remind me of playing WipeOut on the PS1 all those years ago...
In my head, when I listen to this album, I am wandering around the ruins of a post-apocalyptic city underneath deep red and purple skies; piloting a starship skimming over mountainess planets; or having really good sex with a futuristic, buzz-cut, space-marine.
But then, that's just me.
Music: Lifeforms - FSOL
Podcast: Hot Fuzz - VIDEO PODCASTS
TV: Battlestar Galactica 1978 - DVD
Game: Lego Star Wars 2 - XBOX360
Magazine: Mac Format
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