If you live in the north west of England, or indeed if you live in the world, you can see the new issue of outnorthwest now.
outnorthwest, for those who (quite rightly) haven't read every post I've ever... posted... is the magazine that I edit and design in Manchester. It's for the gays - of which I'm one - and it's now 62 issues old. Which is great for a free magazine, really.
This one I am particularly proud of. It marks Black History Month, amongst many other things, and it has the most amount of interviews we've every printed in a single issue. Five. That's 5.
I'm dead proud of outnorthwest, and every month I get more and more proud.
If you'd like to read the culmination of 62 issues of 'proud', then why not download a copy? You can do it by clicking on the link of the right hand column there, or by clicking here instead - HERE!
If you live in the north west of England and like to go to gay pubs, you can pick up a proper physical copy from tomorrow.
Music: Kiss You Off - SCISSOR SISTERS
Podcast: New York Minute
TV: Spooks - BBC One
Game: Animal Crossing - DS
Magazine: Time Out New York
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